Snmptn UNCEN
>> Friday, July 1, 2011

Cenderawasih University (UNCEN) was established on 10 November 1962 in New Haven (now Jayapura) based on the joint decision of WAMPA / Coordinator for West Irian affairs and Minister of PTIP Number: 140/PTIP/1962 and approved by decision of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 389 of 1962. At that time Uncen is the only agency that created the First Government of Indonesia after the Office of the Government of Indonesia.
Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.
At the time it was formed four (4) Faculty of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling), Faculty of Science and Ketataniagaan State Laws (FHKK) based in Jayapuran, while the Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Animal Husbandry and based in Manokwari and on August 17, 1964 inaugurated the Faculty agriculture, Livestock and Forestry (FPPK) and the new Academic activities started on October 5, 1964.
But a few years later two (2) Faculty in Jayapura is FKIP and FHKK merged into FIHES, which later became FE, FISIP, FE is FPPK based in Manokwari becomes Faperta. In 2002 Faperta lpeas of UNCEN and the University of Papua (UNIPA).