>> Friday, July 1, 2011

Praise be to Allah SWT blessings karuniahNya Haluoleo University officially has a website (site) called Rector of the University and its academic community Haluoleo welcome this Website. The presence of this site is one of the supporting software in the field of information technology (information technology) in order to create a civilized Unhalu academic and competitive, to be aligned with other universities in Indonesia.
Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.
We realize that as an academic institution that serves as a printer-quality human resources and competitive, has entered the era of globalization Haluoleo University are required to provide information quickly and up to date. To achieve this purpose is nothing worth doing is exploiting information and communication technology (ICT), because in today's era of exploiting information and communication technology, including information on the Internet is one of the most effective alternative for the dissemination of information and to obtain information up to date .
One indicator for a college class this era of globalization is the number of community colleges who use the website domain name primarily in the electronic publication (e_publication) that through it there are 4 indicators of assessment, namely: Size (S) is the number of pages contained electronic publications PT's website, Visibility (V) or another page that lists the number of domain URLs PT, Rich Files (RF), the relevance of electronic resources and academic activities and publications of PT and Scholar (S), is the number of quality publications and websites. So as to improve the quality of information services depend on the commitment and understanding of the entire academic community in Haluoleo University in utilizing this site as a medium of publication of scientific works of quality.