>> Friday, July 1, 2011

University Khairun (hereinafter abbreviated UNKHAIR) was established by the Regional Government of North Maluku district with community leaders in 1964 through the establishment of Adult Education Foundation Khairun year 1964 dated August 15, 1964 and registered as a Private Higher Education (PTS) based on the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) Number 100/B/SWT/1965 dated February 15, 1965.
Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.
Its founders are: M.S. Djahir (Regent North Maluku), Baharudin Lopa (Chief District Court North Maluku), Adnan Amal (District Court Judge Ternate), Mursaha (North Maluku Police Chief Resort), Jasin Mohammed (lecturers Teachers' Training College Galway), AK Safar (Head of State Senior High School Ternate), A. S. A. Latif (Head of State SGA Ternate), Idrus Hasan (student IKIP Manado), Ibrahim Abbas (IKIP students Manado), Said Ammary (Copra Fund Head of Maluku and West Irian [DAKOMIB]), Jasin Pockmark (KPS Ternate), Karel Tan (Head of Department of Health North Maluku), and Muhammad Nasir (Office of General Staff Regent North Maluku).