>> Friday, July 1, 2011

After Indonesia achieved independence, the ideals of improving the quality of education and the tendency of people to achieve higher education growing. Decade of the fifties, college institutions of the region began to show themselves, answer the needs of local people.
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The ideals established college or state university in Manado that when it is the central government and regional activities of North and Central Sulawesi, may be said to have been pioneered by the University Pinaesaan which was established on October 1, 1954 in Tondano, just have a single faculty, the Faculty of Law . Together with the University Permesta founded on September 23, 1957 in Manado, the University Pinaesaan actually a development of the embryo from the University of Sam Ratulangi in the future.
Has two universities with the private status of residents was not satisfactory taste (Sumekolah) this. Therefore, at the initiative of the people of North and Central Sulawesi (military leaders, civilian, and intellectuals), creates the unity and determination to realize the establishment of a state college status in both areas, which are expected to become the pride of the community generally, and the people of North Sulawesi and Central in particular.