The Great Tips for Positive Thinking

>> Saturday, July 2, 2011

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds.
Not everyone accepts or believes in positive thinking. Some consider the subject as just nonsense, and others scoff at people who believe and accept it. Among the people who accept it, not many know how to use it effectively to get results. Yet, it seems that many are becoming attracted to this subject, as evidenced by the many books, lectures and courses about it.

If you're down in the dumps for disproportionately long periods of time and you find yourself blaming the rest of the world for your misery, then perhaps a change of attitude is in order. These 10 tips for positive thinking may be able to give your outlook in life its much needed overhaul. So increase your chances for a more constructive perspective with these 10 tips for positive thinking:
1. Recognize negative thoughts as they take shape and bury them before they take root. If you feel your mood darkening again, put a stop to these dangerous musings before you succumb to them. Rule your emotions, don't let your emotions rule you.
2. Hang out with people who think positive as well. This condition can be quite infectious.
3. Just as contagious is a negative mindset. So avoid people who tend to think negatively on a constant basis. After all, who wants to hang around naysayers all the time?
4. Work out and eat right.
5. De-clutter. Surround yourself only with the things you love and that make you feel good--framed family photos, favorite books, potted plants, works of art, or whatever else that's meaningful to you.
6. If people tell you you can't do something, take that as a challenge and prove them wrong. If you show them it can be done after all, maybe they'll even be inspired by your success. You can be a living tip for positive thinking to them.
7. Just when you're about to blow your top for all the seeming misfortunes that befall you, remind yourself of all your blessings instead. This practice can be very sobering, indeed.
8. Be a volunteer or get involved in charity work. Not only will you realize the sheer number of people who have bigger problems than you do, but there is also such an emotional and even spiritual high to be experienced in helping others.
9. De-stress. You're more likely to be cranky if you're perpetually stressed out. Getting started is easy. It's the maintenance that's tricky. Make a habit out of thinking positively till it becomes an indelible part of who you are.
10. Keep it up. Getting started is easy. It's the maintenance that's tricky. Make a habit out of thinking positively till it becomes an indelible part of who you are.

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success.

Positive Thinking and Health

Many don't think that positive thinking can do much for them. Quite the opposite is true actually. There are many things that positive thinking can do for one's health. Here is how it works.
Those who use positive thinking find that they have fewer heart attacks. Those who anger easily are under constant stress, and who find that they worry too much are those who have heart attacks. When a person practices positive thinking, then they find that they have less stress in their life. This is something which is very well needed as some people are already prone to them. This is the first way that it helps a person health wise.
There is something about positive thinking and a person's mental health as well. There are many people who have very stressful jobs and who also have a hard time just allowing things to happen. However, when they look at things a different way, they are said to have fewer issues that start in the mind. They don't get depressed as much and so forth.
Another thing is that those who found positive thinking a bit too late have found that if they are diagnosed with something, they have that hope that they will get through it. Those who are diagnosed with a disease that could theoretically kill them are said to have better chances of fighting when they think positive.
Self esteem is something that people get as well when they have this thinking on their side. Many people who listen to the negative things that other people say to them will find that they get no where in life. They find that they can fight the fight and up their chances of beating it. As one can see, there are some connections with those who work with positive thinking and those who have health issues. If they don't have health issues, then it keeps them from this. That's what thinking can do for a person and their health. This is the best thing that people can do. Many might find that their doctors will order this more and more as it can be the beginning of a beautiful thing. All it takes is thinking a little bit differently and not allowing things to annoy a person as it would have.


The Great Tips For Healthy Living

Health is the level of functional and (or) metabolic efficiency of a living being. In humans, it is the general condition of a person in mind, body and spirit, usually meaning to being free from illness, injury or pain (as in “good health” or “healthy”). Classification systems such as the WHO Family of International Classifications, which is composed of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), are commonly used to define and measure the components of health. To create Healthy Living we need Health care as the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in humans. Health care is delivered by practitioners in medicine, chiropractic, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, allied health, and other care providers. It refers to the work done in providing primary care, secondary care and tertiary care, as well as in public health.

With all the emphasis on maintaining a healthy lifestyle sometimes we overlook some of the basic things that help us accomplish this. Many may seem to be a matter of common sense, but if you follow these you will be on your way to healthy living.
1. Drink plenty of water. It is suggested that we consume 8-10 glasses per day. This includes water that we get from foods and other drinks that we have. A good tip is to drink a glass before eating. Sometimes we are not actually hungry but are dehydrated.
2. We all know that eating fresh fruits daily is advised. But did you know that it is best to eat them in between meals or before meals. If you eat them directly after a meal your body will store it away as unused energy.
3. You should eat a protein with each of your meals. Some excellent sources of protein would include fish, beans, meat, protein bars and shakes. Your body needs these proteins so ensure that you are getting enough of them.
4. There are some foods that are better avoided. These would include potatoes, white bread, instant oatmeal and french fries. The reason is that these are foods that that body breaks down quickly into sugar.
5. Start a regular exercise program. If you are not in the habit of exercising start out slow and work your way up to something that is more strenuous. Choose something that you enjoy doing. If you enjoy the type of exercise your chances of continuing it over the long term increases. Over time you should work your way up to 3 to 5 times a week for 30 minutes or more. You will be surprised at the extra energy it will give you and the improvement in your mood. Try to incorporate some weight training in your schedule. This is an excellent way to naturally increase your metabolism.
6. Include raw vegetables into your daily diet. Nutritionists tell us that the darker the vegetable is the richer it is in nutrients. Concentrate on the ones that are dark green, dark purple and dark orange.
7. You should eat smaller meals with snacks in between. Eating every two to three hours is optimal. This will help you to naturally increase your metabolism and that is essential to healthy weight control. Peanut butter on a cracker is a good example of snacks you should include. If you wait until you actually feel hungry it may be too late. This causes your body to go into a fasting state.
8. Include fatty acids into the diet. Ground up flax seed is a good source to have with foods or cereals. It also gives you fiber.
9. Eat foods that are high in fiber. These foods will help you control cholesterol levels as well as giving you the feeling of feeling fuller. Some examples of these types of foods would be whole grains, fibrous vegetables and legumes. You would want to speak to your doctor before beginning any supplementation program.
10. Raw nuts and seeds are a good source of essential fatty acids. You should limit the. amount to about a handful. You will feel and look a lot better by knowing the basic ways to change or improve your lifestyle.

Since 2003, the Executive Council of Manitoba has included a minister responsible for Healthy Living. The position was created as a subset of the Ministry of Health, and is not a full cabinet portfolio.

An Essential Element for Healthy Living

Water is an essential part of our creation. There are many reasons why we cannot go on living without water. Water takes up about 75% of our body. Our brain has over 85% water. Therefore it is essential that you need to drink adequate amounts of water during the day so that you remain healthy and well. You need to make sure that you keep drinking adequate amounts of water to stay hydrated. Water is a key to healthy living and it will help you rejuvenate your lifestyle. You need to make sure that you drink enough amounts of water so that your fluid levels are maintained for a fitness and weight loss.
As we start lacking water in our body or as the water levels keep dropping in our body we slowly start to accumulate toxic waste. This is because water is an essential detoxification agent in our body. In fact it is the basic detoxifying agent in our body. The toxic wastes in our body are formed when we eat or drink anything at all. Once the food and the fluids are processed what is left behind forms the toxic waste of the body. This waste has to be taken care of and this is done only with the help of water that aids to carry all the waste out of the body. This can be also compared to as flushing of the body. Therefore water takes an essential part in the cleaning of the body which would otherwise lead to many diseases and an unhealthy lifestyle. If you are not flushing your body periodically with the necessary amount of water, you would soon fall sick.
If you want to properly tone your body then you should do so with the help of maintaining a proper water diet. A proper water diet would be to take the right amounts of water at the right time. You should make sure that you are making the right use of the water available by drinking adequate amounts of water. There are many body functions that water helps in. Water helps in delivering nutrients to our cells. Also water helps in the proper functioning of the brain.
Waste products from our cells are eliminated or flushed away because of water. Our intestines that are a common hotspot for bacteria and other germs is maintained clean with the help of water. Water will also aid in the proper digestion of food. Therefore if you are on a diet or weight loss programs, you should make sure that you drink plenty of water because this way you will be able to digest your food faster and better. Also water will stimulate frequent and healthy bowel movements that would help to clear the body of the waste.


Download Latihan Soal USM STAN 2011

>> Friday, July 1, 2011

Problem exercise is intended to facilitate preparation of our prospective students to enter the USM STAN STAN 2011. Because after all the Government does not prohibit public universities (PTN) conducted an independent selection pathways for admission of new students. Based on Government Regulation No. 66/2010 the government determines the 60 percent quota of new students PTN done through the National Selection State University (SNMTPN).

The point Kemdiknas not assign 100 percent of students accepted through SNMPTN. Ministry aware of universities should be given discretion in accepting students use the principles established by the college. It affirmed the minister after receiving serfitikat Angklung Indonesia Nonbenda Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, which is given by the former Ambassador to UNESCO in Kemdiknas Kunaefi Tresna Generous.

Download Latihan Soal USM STAN 2011

  • Download Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA)

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    Download Latihan Soal UM UPI 2011

    Problem exercise is intended to facilitate preparation of our prospective students to enter the UM UPI UPI 2011. Because after all the Government does not prohibit public universities (PTN) conducted an independent selection pathways for admission of new students. Based on Government Regulation No. 66/2010 the government determines the 60 percent quota of new students PTN done through the National Selection State University (SNMTPN).

    Download Latihan Soal UM UPI 2011

  • Download Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA)

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    Kemampuan IPA

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    Download Latihan IPA Terpadu

    The point Kemdiknas not assign 100 percent of students accepted through SNMPTN. Ministry aware of universities should be given discretion in accepting students use the principles established by the college. It affirmed the minister after receiving serfitikat Angklung Indonesia Nonbenda Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, which is given by the former Ambassador to UNESCO in Kemdiknas Kunaefi Tresna Generous.


    Download Latihan Soal Um Undip 2011

    Problem exercise is intended to facilitate preparation of our prospective students to enter the University of Diponegoro in the Um Undip 2011. Because after all the Government does not prohibit public universities (PTN) conducted an independent selection pathways for admission of new students. Based on Government Regulation No. 66/2010 the government determines the 60 percent quota of new students PTN done through the National Selection State University (SNMPTN).

    Download Latihan Soal UM Undip 2011

    Kemampuan IPA

    Kemampuan IPS

    The point Kemdiknas not assign 100 percent of students accepted through SNMPTN. Ministry aware of universities should be given discretion in accepting students use the principles established by the college. It affirmed the minister after receiving serfitikat Angklung Indonesia Nonbenda Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, which is given by the former Ambassador to UNESCO in Kemdiknas Kunaefi Tresna Generous.


    Download Latihan Soal SPMB Unsoed 2011

    Problem exercise is intended to facilitate preparation of our prospective students to enter the SPMB Unsoed 2011. Because after all the Government does not prohibit public universities (PTN) conducted an independent selection pathways for admission of new students. Based on Government Regulation No. 66/2010 the government determines the 60 percent quota of new students PTN done through the National Selection State University (SNMTPN).

    Download Latihan Soal SPMB Unsoed 2011

    Tes Kemampuan Dasar :

    1. Matematika Dasar,

    2. Bahasa Indonesia,

    3. Bahasa Inggris

    Tes Kemampuan IPA :

    1. Matematika IPA,

    2. Fisika,

    3. Kimia,

    4. Biologi,

    5. IPA Terpadu

    Tes Kemampuan IPS :

    1. Sejarah,

    2. Geografi,

    3. Ekonomi,

    4. IPS Terpadu

    The point Kemdiknas not assign 100 percent of students accepted through SNMPTN. Ministry aware of universities should be given discretion in accepting students use the principles established by the college. It affirmed the minister after receiving serfitikat Angklung Indonesia Nonbenda Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, which is given by the former Ambassador to UNESCO in Kemdiknas Kunaefi Tresna Generous.


    Download Latihan Soal Simak UI 2011

    Problem exercise is intended to facilitate preparation of our prospective students to enter the University of Indonesia with the Gaza Listen UI 2011. Because after all the Government does not prohibit public universities (PTN) conducted an independent selection pathways for admission of new students. Based on Government Regulation No. 66/2010 the government determines the 60 percent quota of new students PTN done through the National Selection State University (SNMPTN).

    Download Latihan Soal Simak UI Tahun 2011

    (Jalur S1 Reguler, Vokasi, S1 Paralel, dan S1 KKI)

    Kemampuan Dasar :

    1. Download Matematika Dasar,

    2. Download Bahasa Indonesia,

    3. Download Bahasa Inggris

    Kemampuan IPA :

    1. Matematika IPA,

    2. Fisika,

    3. Kimia

    4. Biologi

    5. Download IPA Terpadu

    Kemampuan IPS :

    1. Sejarah,

    2. Geografi,

    3. Ekonomi,

    4. IPS Terpadu

    The point Kemdiknas not assign 100 percent of students accepted through SNMPTN. Ministry aware of universities should be given discretion in accepting students use the principles established by the college. It affirmed the minister after receiving serfitikat Angklung Indonesia Nonbenda Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, which is given by the former Ambassador to UNESCO in Kemdiknas Kunaefi Tresna Generous.


    Snmptn Unimmer

    On August 16, 2006, Minister of National Education through Higher Education in Jakarta issued a permit by Decree No. Organisation. 160/D/O/2006 10 new courses for S1, namely: Architecture, Information Systems, Public Administration, Management, Development Economics, Accounting, Agricultural Engineering, Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock ONCE shape changes to the University Musamus STT Merauke Merauke with courses in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science who has been running.

    Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.

    President Opens Five State Universities, Including University Musamus Merauke

    President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono inaugurated the five public universities RI border areas with neighboring countries from Cendrawasih University Auditorium Building (Uncen) in Abepura, Jayapura, Papua, on Monday.

    Five State University which was inaugurated by President Yudhoyono of Jayapura is Musamus Merauke University, the University of Borneo Tarakan, University of Bangka Belitung, Polytechnic of Babylon and the Batam Polytechnic, where all the leaders were attending college in Uncen and watched it.

    The inauguration of the five colleges was done after giving a public lecture for the students as well as opening the Student Executive Board meeting after the archipelago on the ground.

    Inauguration of the High Court which five new college was marked by the signing directly by President Yudhoyono in five inscriptions that witnessed the whole entourage and invitations as well as leaders of BEM as the present archipelago.

    President Yudhoyono said in his speech, the inauguration of five new colleges of this State which is a form of government attention to education is one of the main factors of progress of the nation.

    "At the same time would be a means of increasing the Human Resources (HR) for communities in the border area are home to universities themselves," he said.

    The President explained that education is the basic capital of a nation's progress and development toward better. He pointed out that South Korea in five years ago are still classified as developing countries, but currently has status as a developed country.

    "It's all because of the advancement of education there. Successfully creating quality human resources and reliable and able to compete and build their country," the President said.

    Minister of National Education, Mochammad Noah, saying that all new college was inaugurated, it must be given if Uncen which became the opening, so that going forward there should always be mutual coordination and cooperation between universities in question.

    Accompanying the president in a public lecture that, among others, First Lady Hj. Ani Yudhoyono, Coordinating Minister Agung Laksono, Minister Gamawan Fauzi, Agus Martowardojo Finance Minister, Minister of Agriculture Suswono, State Secretary Sudi Silalahi, Education Minister Muhammad Nuh, Cabinet Secretary Dipo Alam, the Commander of the TNI and the police chief Agus Suhartono Pradopo East.


    Snmptn UNIPA

    University of Papua (UNIPA) was established by Decree of President of Republic of Indonesia No. 153 years old in 2000, dated November 3, 2000. UNIPA represents the development of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Cenderawasih. UNIPA inaugurated on Saturday, dated July 28, 2001 by the Director General of Higher Education on behalf of the Minister of National Education. UNIPA development through three periods, namely UNCEN FPPK period (1964-1982), UNCEN FAPERTA period (1982-2000), and UNIPA period (2000-2012).

    Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.

    UNIPA through the stages of development (1) institutional and organizational arrangements (2000-2003), (2) the arrangement of courses and majors (2001-2004), (3) strengthening the institutional and program of study (2005), (4) development of physical infrastructure (2006), (5) strengthening physical infrastructure development plan (2007-2010), (6) independence UNIPA (2012).
    UNIPA development begins with the formation and establishment of the University Senate membership. University Senate subsequently carry out a review and compilation of basic rules of the University, namely determination of the Organization and Work Procedure and the Statute on 27 April 2001, the filing of the proposal opening faculty, majors and courses of study on May 1, 2001, setting UNIPA logo on July 15, 2001 .

    Inauguration UNIPA conducted by the Director General of Higher Education on behalf of the Minister of National Education on 28 July 2001.
    On May 15, 2002, the issuance Kepmendiknas Number 111/O/2002, concerning Organization and Work UNIPA. Based on the OTK is then carried out the preparation of institutional establishment at the faculty level. The inauguration of the deans of faculty and the inauguration took place on 27 November 2002. Permit the opening of majors and courses implemented in stages starting in 2001.


    Snmptn UNKHAIR

    University Khairun (hereinafter abbreviated UNKHAIR) was established by the Regional Government of North Maluku district with community leaders in 1964 through the establishment of Adult Education Foundation Khairun year 1964 dated August 15, 1964 and registered as a Private Higher Education (PTS) based on the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) Number 100/B/SWT/1965 dated February 15, 1965.

    Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.

    Its founders are: M.S. Djahir (Regent North Maluku), Baharudin Lopa (Chief District Court North Maluku), Adnan Amal (District Court Judge Ternate), Mursaha (North Maluku Police Chief Resort), Jasin Mohammed (lecturers Teachers' Training College Galway), AK Safar (Head of State Senior High School Ternate), A. S. A. Latif (Head of State SGA Ternate), Idrus Hasan (student IKIP Manado), Ibrahim Abbas (IKIP students Manado), Said Ammary (Copra Fund Head of Maluku and West Irian [DAKOMIB]), Jasin Pockmark (KPS Ternate), Karel Tan (Head of Department of Health North Maluku), and Muhammad Nasir (Office of General Staff Regent North Maluku).

    Snmptn UNCEN

    Cenderawasih University (UNCEN) was established on 10 November 1962 in New Haven (now Jayapura) based on the joint decision of WAMPA / Coordinator for West Irian affairs and Minister of PTIP Number: 140/PTIP/1962 and approved by decision of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 389 of 1962. At that time Uncen is the only agency that created the First Government of Indonesia after the Office of the Government of Indonesia.

    Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.

    At the time it was formed four (4) Faculty of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling), Faculty of Science and Ketataniagaan State Laws (FHKK) based in Jayapuran, while the Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Animal Husbandry and based in Manokwari and on August 17, 1964 inaugurated the Faculty agriculture, Livestock and Forestry (FPPK) and the new Academic activities started on October 5, 1964.

    But a few years later two (2) Faculty in Jayapura is FKIP and FHKK merged into FIHES, which later became FE, FISIP, FE is FPPK based in Manokwari becomes Faperta. In 2002 Faperta lpeas of UNCEN and the University of Papua (UNIPA).


    Snmptn UNPATTI

    The history of the founding of the University of Pattimura began when several community leaders took the initiative to establish a Higher Education institution in the Moluccas which was started by an educational leader, Dr.. J. B. Sitanala (deceased). Dr. J. B. Sitanala is a doctor, an instrumental figure in the Moluccas in the areas of society in urnumnya and education in particular. Initiatives taken to realize the aspirations of the people who participated in the development of the Nation, especially in the field of Higher Education and Development of Science. To realize the lofty ideals that formed a Foundation of Higher Education Maluku West Papua on 20 July 1955, which is chaired by Mr. Cornelis Loppies.

    On October 3, 1956 The Foundation was successful in establishing the Faculty of Law, which was then set as the date of birth Pattimura University. The next row of Social and Political Faculty founded on October 6, 1959, and dated 10 September 1961 opened the Faculty of Teacher Training and Science Education.

    On August 1, 1962 Foundation of Higher Education Maluku West Irian into the State University was inaugurated by the Minister of PTIP Decree No. 99 of 1962 dated August 8, 1962 covering the five Faculties: - Faculty of Law
    - Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
    - Faculty of Social and Political
    - Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry
    - Faculty of Animal Husbandry

    Then by Presidential Decree No. 66 of 1963, dated 23 April 1963 endorsed the establishment of the University in Ambon and named Pattimura University. University is led by a presidium consisting of:
    • Soemitro Hamidjoyo, SH (Chairman)
    • Colonel Boesiri (Member)
    • Drs. Soehardjo (Member)
    • Dr. M. Haulussy (Member)

    Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.

    Then on September 15, 1965 Faculty of Economics and opened on 16 April 1970 opened the Faculty of Engineering buildings that utilize the former Faculty of Technology project Ambon (FTA). In August 1964 the Faculty of Teacher Training and Science Education switch status to IKIP Jakarta Branch Rector Ambon with Drs. F.F.H. Matruty. Then on 16 September 1969 IKIP Jakarta Branch Ambon reintegrated into the University of Pattimura into two faculties namely Faculty of Science Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. In 1974 the Faculty of animal husbandry department is equipped with Fisheries and simultaneously changed its name to the Faculty of Animal Husbandry / Fisheries.

    By Presidential Decree No. 40 / M Year 1971, Ir. L. Nanlohy (Dean of Faculty of Engineering) established as the first Rector of the University of Pattimura. Then with Presidential Decree Number 69 / M Year 1976, MR Lestaluhu, SH Unpatti appointed as Rector of the second, the next with Presidential Decree Number 43 / M of 1981 he set out for a second term. After that, with Presidential Decree Number 89 / M of 1985 DR. Ir. J. Ch. Lawalatta, M.Sc. defined as the Rector of the University Pattimura. As Rector of the following: Prof.. DR. Ir. J. L. Nanere, M.Sc. established by Presidential Decree No. 247 / M Year 1989. Furthermore, with Presidential Decree Number 207 / M of 1994 established DR. M. Pattimura Huliselan as Rector of the University, Prof. further. DR. H.B. Tetelepta, MPd since 2004 until now been appointed as rector Unpatti.


    Snmptn UNSRAT

    After Indonesia achieved independence, the ideals of improving the quality of education and the tendency of people to achieve higher education growing. Decade of the fifties, college institutions of the region began to show themselves, answer the needs of local people.

    Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.

    The ideals established college or state university in Manado that when it is the central government and regional activities of North and Central Sulawesi, may be said to have been pioneered by the University Pinaesaan which was established on October 1, 1954 in Tondano, just have a single faculty, the Faculty of Law . Together with the University Permesta founded on September 23, 1957 in Manado, the University Pinaesaan actually a development of the embryo from the University of Sam Ratulangi in the future.

    Has two universities with the private status of residents was not satisfactory taste (Sumekolah) this. Therefore, at the initiative of the people of North and Central Sulawesi (military leaders, civilian, and intellectuals), creates the unity and determination to realize the establishment of a state college status in both areas, which are expected to become the pride of the community generally, and the people of North Sulawesi and Central in particular.

    Snmptn UNIMA

    The history of the State University of Manado began with the establishment of Higher Education Teacher Education (PTPG) that one of the 4 PTPG first established in Indonesia. 4 PTPG stood first in Indonesia consists of PTPG Batusangkar, PTPG Malang, Bandung PTPG, and PTPG Tondano based on Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia No. 2450/KB/1955 September 22, 1955.

    Tondano PTPG led by Prof. Dean. Mr. G.M.A. Ingkiriwang since year 1955 till 1956 and was the first head PTPG Tondano to experience various changes to FKIP Hasanuddin University Makassar in 1956 s / d in 1958, in the year 1958 till 1960 in Manado FKIP UNHAS Tondano chaired by Prof. Drs. W.F.J.B. Tooy as Acting Chairman and in 1960 s / d in 1961 became dean FKIP UNHAS Tondano in Manado. In 1961 s / d in 1963 changed again to FKIP UNSULUTTENG also still with Dean Prof. Drs. W.F.J.B. Tooy to become IKIP Yogyakarta Manado Branch in 1963 s / d in 1965.

    Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.

    In 1965 s / d 1966 State Teachers' Training College Galway led by a chairman of the Presidium of Brig. Soenandar Proyosoedarmo to prepare a definitive leadership. And based on Decree No. 38 dated PTIP March 8, 1965 jo Presidential Decree No. 275 of 1965 dated 14 September 1965 State Teachers' Training College Galway stands alone with the Rector Prof.. Drs. W.F.J.B. Tooy who served from 1966 until 1970.

    Manado State Teachers' Training College was led by an officer while the Rector and Rector A Careteker. In 1970 s / d 1971 State Teachers' Training College Galway led by EH Hampp, MA Acting Rector, later in the year 1971 s / d in 1973 continued with the leadership of Prof. Careteker. Drs. G.M.A. Ingkiriwang.

    In 1973 s / d 1982 State Teachers' Training College was led by the Rector Prof.Drs Manado. E.A. Worang, then continued to the year 1982 till 1991 by the Rector Prof.. Dr. E.A. Sinolungan, SH, during his leadership of Manado State Teachers' Training College campus relocates from campus to campus Kleak new Manado on the top of Mount Tounsaru until recently.

    After experiencing displacement campus, in the year 1991 to 1995 State Teachers' Training College Galway Rector returned to the election, and the elected is Prof. Dr. Max. Wullur, MS from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. It continues with pemiilihan Rector in 1995 s / d in 1999 that led Prof. Dr, January Turang, MS from the Faculty of Education became the rector.

    In 1999 then State Teachers' Training College Galway again held elections to choose the rector of Drs. J.L.L. Lombok, SH, M. Si as Rector of Manado State Teachers 'Training College last, after September 13, 2000 at the State Teachers' Training College, State University of Manado Manado converted based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 127 of 2000 and inaugurated by the Minister of National Education Republic of Indonesia Mr Yahya Muhaimin on October 14, 2000 with 6 fruit faculty with the first Rector Prof. Drs. J.L.L. Lombok, SH, M. Si. happen again after the next election can not be served as Rector for the third periods, with the election of the DR. Philoteus E.A. UNIMA Tuerah as Rector of the second, which was inaugurated in Jakarta by the Education Minister Bambang Sudibyo for the period 2008 to 2013.

    Based on the RI Presidential Decree No.127 Year 2000, State University of Manado (UNIMA) has a dual function, ie in addition to creating experts and professionals in the field of education, as well as create professional experts and non-educational field.


    Snmptn UNG

    State University of Gorontalo forerunner was founded in 1963 when named Junior College, is part of FKIP UNSULUTENG. That year turned into a branch FKIP UNSULUTENG. In 1964 its status changed to FKIP IKIP Branch Branch Yogyakarta Manado. In mid-1965 after IKIP Manado stand alone, this institution became one of its branches and its name became IKIP Manado Gorontalo Branch 4 foster faculty with 13 majors.

    Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.

    In 1982 this institution was transferred from the Teachers' Training College Galway became one of the Faculty of the University of Galway by the name of Sam Ratulangi Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UNSRAT Manado in Gorontalo.
    With the implementation of PP No. 30 Year 1990, then in 1993 the institute was officially established itself by the name of the High School Teacher Training and Education (STKIP) Gorontalo established by Presidential Decree No. 9 of 1993 dated January 16, 1993. Recognizing the limited scope coupled STKIP demanding needs of the community and local government, then in 2001 with Presidential Decree No. 19 Year 2001 dated February 5, 2001 upgraded to the status of these institutions that foster IKIP Affairs Gorontalo 5 faculties with 25 Study Program. And On June 23, 2004 President Megawati inaugurated into the State University of Gorontalo, with Presidential Decree Number 54 Year 2004, dated June 23, 2004.
    Currently, State University of Gorontalo build 9 Faculty / Graduate Faculty of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Faculty of Literature & Culture, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport, Faculty Economics and Business and the Graduate Program


    Snmptn UNHALU

    Praise be to Allah SWT blessings karuniahNya Haluoleo University officially has a website (site) called Rector of the University and its academic community Haluoleo welcome this Website. The presence of this site is one of the supporting software in the field of information technology (information technology) in order to create a civilized Unhalu academic and competitive, to be aligned with other universities in Indonesia.

    Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.

    We realize that as an academic institution that serves as a printer-quality human resources and competitive, has entered the era of globalization Haluoleo University are required to provide information quickly and up to date. To achieve this purpose is nothing worth doing is exploiting information and communication technology (ICT), because in today's era of exploiting information and communication technology, including information on the Internet is one of the most effective alternative for the dissemination of information and to obtain information up to date .

    One indicator for a college class this era of globalization is the number of community colleges who use the website domain name primarily in the electronic publication (e_publication) that through it there are 4 indicators of assessment, namely: Size (S) is the number of pages contained electronic publications PT's website, Visibility (V) or another page that lists the number of domain URLs PT, Rich Files (RF), the relevance of electronic resources and academic activities and publications of PT and Scholar (S), is the number of quality publications and websites. So as to improve the quality of information services depend on the commitment and understanding of the entire academic community in Haluoleo University in utilizing this site as a medium of publication of scientific works of quality.


    Snmptn UNTAD

    Tadulako University, abbreviated Untad, is the state universities in Palu, Indonesia, which was established on May 1, 1981. Rector in 2006 were Drs. H. Sahabuddin Mustafa, SE, M. Si.

    The existence of universities in Central Sulawesi, as a forerunner to the University Tadulako through 3 (three) stages of the history of the period Tadulako private status (1963-1966), the period of the status of the Branch (1966-1981), and the status of state colleges that stand alone, UNIVERSITY Tadulako (UNTAD), from 1981 until now.

    Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.

    1. Private status period (1963-1966)

    Tadulako University as a private college, grow and develop with funding from a purely self community of Central Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, standing before the regional status as a Regional Level I. Tadulako naming for the University is intended by its founders to become Tadulako University Higher education institutions that produce leaders who have the virtue properties. Tadulako concretely means leader, and by their nature, Tadulako means virtue. Thus Tadulako is a leader who has the primacy of nature (fair, wise, honest, intelligent, courageous, passionate, pengayom, defenders of the truth).

    Thus the strong desire of the community leaders in this region, who started his hard work by putting the steps towards the creation of institutions and the scientific community, through the formation of a University. Of hard work, on May 8, 1963 stood Tadulako University with private status, the first rector Drh. Nasri Gayur. After going through various efforts to improve the status and role Tadulako University, on 12 September 1964 improved its status to "registered" in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science Number: 94/B-SWT/P/64, with four faculties, each individual:

    § Faculty of Social and Political.

    § Faculty of Economics

    § Faculty of Animal Husbandry

    § Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational sciences, majoring in Life Sciences and Education.

    Selanjutnuya development increased again one faculty: the Faculty of Law so that the whole into five faculties.

    2. Branch period (1966 - 1981)

    Various efforts and hard work done by community leaders in this area, gave birth to universities with the status of branches, each branch Tadulako University of Hasanuddin University, based on the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) No. 1 of January 1, 1966 1966 and the Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Teachers' Training College), Ujung Pandang Palu branch based on the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) No. 2 of 1966 dated January 1, 1966.

    Tadulako University of Hasanuddin University Branch (Branch Untad Unhas) is comprised of four faculties, namely:

    § Faculty of Animal Husbandry.

    § Faculty of Economics

    § Faculty of Law

    § Faculty of Social and Political.

    While IKIP Ujung Pandang Hammer Branch consists of three faculties namely:

    § Faculty of Education Sciences

    § Faculty of Literature and Art Teacher Training

    § Faculty of Science Teacher Training Eksata.

    Since then both branches are experiencing college life in a way that is very determined by their respective parent, especially in terms of education, provision of academic and administrative staff. Besides the role of the parent universities Ujung Pandang Hasanuddin University and Teachers' Training College, the role of local government and community leaders in this area will determine the development of the two branches of the college.


    Snmptn UNHAS

    Starting Hasanuddin University was officially established in 1956, in Makassar in 1947 has been established which is a branch of the Faculty of Economics Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia (UI) in Jakarta upon approval from the Governor Lt Gen Netherlands Indies Government No. 127 dated July 23, 1947. Because of protracted uncertainty and chaos in Makassar and its surrounding the faculty, led by Drs LA Enthoven (Director) was suspended and only re-opened as a branch of the Faculty of Economics UI on October 7, 1953 under the leadership of Prof. Drs. G.H.M. Riekerk. Economic Faculty truly live as a forerunner to the University of Hasanuddin once led the acting chairman Prof. Drs. Wolhoff and secretary of Drs. Muhammad baga on September 1, 1956 until the introduction of Hasanuddin University on September 10, 1956.

    At the time of the stagnation of the Faculty of Economics at the end of 1950, Nur creed, Prof. Drs. G.J. Wolhoff, Mr. Tjia Tjiang Kok, J.E. Tatengkeng and friends prepare for the establishment of the Faculty of Law of the private sector. Hall gave birth to their efforts Sawerigading of Higher Education under the chairmanship of Prof.. Drs. G.J. Wolhoff still trying to realize the state universities through the establishment of the State University of Combatants Committee in March 1950. Road taken to realize the university was preceded by opening the Faculty of Law and Society Studies Faculty of Law at the University branch of Indonesia (UI), which was formally established on March 3, 1952 with the first dean Prof. Mr. Djokosoetono also as Dean of the Faculty of Law University of Indonesia (UI). Based on high employee morale, independence and dedication, led by Prof. Faculty of Law. Dr. Mr. C. Prof. de Heern and continued. Drs. G.H.M. Riekerk, within a period of four years could separate themselves from the Universitas Indonesia with the release of PP no. 23 year 1956 dated 10 September 1956.

    Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.


    No. Region Level College Programme Decrees No. Years Decree Rank Expired
    1 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ilmu Hubungan Internasional 002 1998 B 2003-12-21
    2 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup 025 2000 B 2003-09-13
    3 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ilmu Komunikasi 025 2000 U 2005-09-13
    4 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Manajemen Perkotaan 025 2000 U 2005-09-13
    5 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ekonomi Sumber Daya 052 2001 U 2006-05-16
    6 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Budidaya Perairan 053 2004 A 2009-12-21
    7 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Manajemen 082 2004 A 2009-10-15
    8 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Perikanan 053 2004 B 2009-12-21
    9 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ekonomi Perencanaan Pembangunan 001 2006 C 2009-05-04
    10 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Arsitektur 012 2005 A 2010-07-21
    11 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Teknik Sipil 012 2005 A 2010-07-21
    12 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Manajemen 024 2005 A 2010-12-27
    13 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Teknik Perkapalan 010 2005 B 2010-07-07
    14 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat 023 2005 B 2010-12-22
    15 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Teknik Mesin 007 2005 B 2010-06-08
    16 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ilmu Keperawatan 022 2005 B 2010-12-08
    17 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Teknik Elektro 010 2005 B 2010-07-07
    18 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Teknik Geologi 022 2005 B 2010-12-08
    19 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat 008 2005 B 2010-07-07
    20 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Farmasi 010 2006 A 2011-08-03
    21 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Pendidikan Dokter Gigi 004 2006 A 2011-06-01
    22 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Kimia 019 2006 A 2011-12-08
    23 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Sosial Ekonomi Peternakan 028 2006 A 2011-01-26
    24 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak 026 2006 A 2011-01-12
    25 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Produksi Ternak 026 2006 B 2011-01-12
    26 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Arkeologi 028 2006 B 2011-01-26
    27 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Manajemen Hutan 020 2006 B 2011-12-16
    28 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Matematika 026 2006 B 2011-01-12
    29 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Akuntansi 005 2006 B 2011-06-15
    30 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Statistika 012 2006 B 2011-08-24
    31 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Teknologi Hasil Hutan 020 2006 B 2011-12-16
    32 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Sosial Ekonomi Perikanan 017 2006 B 2011-10-19
    33 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Wilayah 005 2006 B 2011-07-27
    34 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Agribisnis 014 2006 B 2011-01-12
    35 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ilmu Politik 020 2007 A 2012-09-07
    36 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ilmu Tanah 001 2007 A 2012-01-13
    37 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ilmu Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan 010 2007 A 2012-05-19
    38 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Kedokteran 023 2007 A 2012-09-29
    39 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ilmu Administrasi Negara 014 2007 B 2012-06-30
    40 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Teknologi Hasil Pertanian 011 2007 B 2012-05-26
    41 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Antropologi 019 2007 B 2012-08-25
    42 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Teknologi Hasil Ternak 012 2007 B 2012-06-09
    43 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian 008 2007 B 2012-04-04
    44 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Biologi 010 2007 B 2012-05-19
    45 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ilmu Hukum 015 2007 B 2012-07-10
    46 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Agronomi 001 2007 B 2012-01-13
    47 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Geofisika 001 2007 B 2012-01-13
    48 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Sastra Arab 012 2007 B 2012-06-09
    49 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Fisika 001 2007 B 2012-01-13
    50 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ilmu Komunikasi 010 2007 B 2012-05-19
    51 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Teknik Pertanian 001 2007 B 2012-01-13
    52 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ilmu Pemerintahan 011 2007 B 2012-05-26
    53 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Sastra Indonesia 016 2007 B 2012-08-03
    54 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Sastra Inggris 016 2007 B 2012-08-03
    55 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ilmu Sejarah 011 2007 B 2012-05-26
    56 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Kimia 022 2007 B 2012-11-16
    57 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Sistem Pertanian 019 2007 B 2012-09-29
    58 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Bahasa Indonesia 020 2007 B 2012-10-26
    59 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ilmu Linguistik 019 2007 B 2012-09-29
    60 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Sastra Daerah Untuk Sastra Bugis/Makassar 017 2007 C 2012-08-11
    61 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Sastra Perancis 017 2007 C 2012-08-11
    62 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ilmu Biomedik 025 2007 C 2012-12-29
    63 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ekonomi Pembangunan 017 2008 A 2013-08-09
    64 09 S3 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian 010 2008 B 2013-01-12
    65 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Manajemen Keuangan 027 2008 B 2013-01-18
    66 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Bahasa Inggris 029 2008 C 2013-04-18
    67 09 S3 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Linguistik 013 2008 C 2013-04-18
    68 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Teknik Sipil 026 2008 C 2013-01-12
    69 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ilmu Hukum 011 2009 A 2014-09-16
    70 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Manajemen Sumber Daya Perairan 015 2009 B 2014-06-19
    71 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Ilmu Kelautan 015 2009 B 2014-06-19
    72 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Administrasi Pembangunan 021 2009 B 2014-01-23
    73 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Keuangan Daerah 009 2009 B 2014-08-28
    74 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Teknik Industri 027 2009 C 2014-09-11
    75 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Sosiologi 035 2009 C 2014-01-10
    76 09 S2 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Transportasi 019 2009 C 2014-01-10
    77 09 S1 Univ. Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Makassar Pengembangan Wilayah dan Kota 042 2010 B 2015-01-22

    Step businesses Sawerigading Higher Education Center Foundation to establish the Faculty of Medicine manifested by the achievement of an agreement between the parties with the Ministry Foundations PP and K determined in meeting the Council of Ministers dated October 22, 1953. Based on these assessments was established, the Preparatory Committee on the Medical Faculty of Makassar, which is chaired by Shamsuddin Muhammad Rashid Mangawing Daeng Daeng Sirua as secretary and members of JE Tatengkeng, Andi Sampara Daeng Patiwiri and Lili. On January 28, 1956, Minister of P and K Prof. Mr. R. Soewandi inaugurated the Medical Faculty of Makassar, which later turned into the Medical Faculty of Hasanuddin University in line with the introduction of Hasanuddin University on September 10, 1956.

    Struggle and determination to the people of South Sulawesi, the son of the nation experienced childbirth techniques achieve success when P and K RI minister issued a decree No. 88130th / S dated 8 September 1960 regarding the inauguration of the Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University who chaired lr. J. Pongrekun and secretary lr. Ramli Cambari Saka by the three departments of Civil, machinery and shipping. Formed in 1963 following the Department of Electronics and Engineering Faculty of Architecture and complete as of the 4th faculty.

    Precede the Ministerial Decree of PP and K dated December 3, 1960 No. 102248/UU/1960 regarding the establishment of the Faculty of Letters, University of Hasanuddin, has happened "fusion" a few units B.1 Course Program of Higher Education Foundation to the University of Hasanuddin Makassar. The Foundation, chaired by Shamsuddin Dg Mangawing members include Prof. G.J. This is a fraction Wolhoff Sawerigading University led by Nur al-Din creed. Events of "fusion" Paedagogik B.1 Course Program, East Literature and Western Literature to UNHAS on November 2, 1959 it became the forerunner of Faculty of Literature which was officially formed in accordance PP and K ministerial decree dated 3 November 1960.

    Following the "birth" of the Faculty of Literature, was born of the Faculty - the Faculty of Social Politics 6 in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of P & K dated January 30, 1961 No. A. 4692/U.U.41961, effective from February 1, 1961. At the beginning of this school is named Private Colleges Faculty Tata Praja University August 17, 1945, founded by Mr. Tjia Kok Tjiang who later became head of the faculty after penegeriannya accompanied by Mr. Sukamto as secretary. On November 15, 1962 Mr. Sukamto Abdullah was appointed as the Dean and Amu became Secretary.

    In the leadership of Rector A. Amiruddin based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 0266/Q/1977 dated July 16, 1977 Faculty of Literature is integrated into the Faculty of Social and Cultural limu along with the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences Faculty of Economics. The same thing happened on the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Science, which is integrated into the Faculty of Science and Technology Faculty of Law exception that is not "willing to" integrate with the Faculty of Science - Social Sciences Culture. Intermittent six years later ie in 1983 was revoked by the integration of PP No. keluamya. 5 Year 1980 which was followed by the Presidential Decree No. 68 Year in 1982.

    Through collaboration with Bogor Bogor and at the request of the Rector Prof. Arnold Mononutu Establishment of the Preparatory Committee was formed consisting of Prof. Faculty of Agriculture. Dr. A. Azis Ressang, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and lr IPB Fachrudin, assistant Akhli Faculty of Agriculture, IPB. Prof. cooperation. Ressang et al with the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Indonesia and led IPB PTIP RI SK Minister Prof. Dr. lr. Toyib Hadiwidjaya dated August 17, 1962 and officially became the Faculty of Agriculture faculty in environmental 7th Hasanuddin University.

    Governor Andi Pangerang Petta Rani at their meeting on March 11, 1963 appointed lr. Aminuddin Ressang as chairman of the sub - committee formation of Faculty of Science and Natural Science (FIPIA) officially formed by the Minister of PTIP telegram dated August 8, 1963 No. 59 1 BM/PTIP/63 followed by Ministerial Decree No. 102 Year 1963 Date accepted August 17, 1963.
    The committee was formed in 1963 Founder of the Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry in Makassar, which is chaired by a member Shamsuddin Dg Mangawing Andi Pangerang Petta Rani, Drh. A. Dahlan and Andi Patiwiri. On October 10, 1963 stood Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry (Veterinary and Animal Husbandry) private-status didekani by Drh. Achmad Dahlan with Dean I, II, respectively - each Drh. Muh. Gaus Siregar and Andi Baso Ronda, B. Agr.Sc. Effective on May 1, 1964 is the private faculty became the Faculty of Animal Husbandry dinegerikan Hasanuddin University meialui Ministerial Decree No. PTIP. 37 11964 Date May 4, 1964.

    Dental Education was established on January 23, 1969 as a result of cooperation between the University of the Armed Forces - Navy as Admiral Mursalim longer hasif Dg Mamanggun, SH , Unhas Let.Kolonel Dr. Rector. M. Natsir Said, S.H. and Drg. Halima Dg Sikati and was named the Institute of Dentistry Yos Sudarso. In 1970 it officially became the Department of the Institute of Dentistry, Hasanuddin University and later became the Faculty of Dentistry, Hasanuddin University in 1983.
    Faculty of Public Health (FKM) was established on 5 November 1982 tangggal initially admit students who graduate Diploma Three of Health and later in the year 1987 CCC Unhas accept high school graduates. FKM is a faculty that's 11 in Unhas environment.

    As the realization of the development pattern of Scientific Goods (PIP), which became a reference orientation of higher education institutions in Indonesia, then in 1988 was officially opened UNHAS Marine Science Studies program with the Director General of Higher No.19/Dikti/Kep/1988 SK, dated June 16, 1988 . In the beginning, because there is no proper container program faculty status and direct cross-examine below the rector. Given the nature of marine-oriented, this program is ultimately formed into the Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Department of Fisheries to incorporate into them based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No.036/0/1996, dated January 29, 1996.

    Dies Natalis on the number - 25, 17 September 1981 President Soeharto inaugurated Tamalanrea campus that was originally designed by Paddock Inc.., Massachustts, the U.S. and built by OD 205, the Netherlands in cooperation with PT. Sangkuriang Bandung on the land area of 220 hectares.

    Since the issuance of Ministerial Decree No. PP and K. 3369 / S Date 1 June 1, 1956 effective from 1 September 1956 and by Regulation No. 23 On 8 September 1956, Official Gazette No. 39 Year 1956 which was officially opened by Vice President Drs. Moh. Tangggal Hatta on 10 September 1956, UNHAS was led by a Rector, namely:

    1. Prof. Mr.A.G. Pringgodigdo 1956 - 1957
    2. Prof. Mr. K.R.M.T. Djokomarsaid 1957 - 1960
    3. Prof. Arnold Mononutu 1960 - 1965
    4. Let. Kol. Dr. M. Natsir Said, S.H. 1965 - 1969
    5. Prof. Dr. A. Hafid 1969 - 1973
    6. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Amiruddin 1973 - 1982
    7. Prof. Dr. A. Hasan Walinono 1982 - 1984
    8. Prof. Dr. Ir. Fachruddin 1984 - 1989
    9. Prof. Dr. Basri Hasanuddin, M.A 1989 - 1997
    10. Prof. Central Library Radi A. Gany 1997 - 2006
    11. Prof. Dr.dr. Idrus A. Paturusi, Sp.BO 2006 - Present


    Snmptn UIN Makassar

    All praise to Allah for his mercy and blessings, a particular instance of which is that this website of UIN Alauddin Makassar is now finally in front of yours. May peace and goodwill be on the prophet Muhammad.
    This Website provides information for students, lecturers, and indeed anyone wishing to know more about Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN, State Islamic University) Alauddin Makassar. We are introducing UIN Alauddin Makassar and hereby invite all to participate and cooperate in order to maximize the potential of this institution.
    The production of this website is also intended as part of the larger undertaking to realize UIN's vision to be a center for the development of noble character, intellect and academic achievement in the field of higher education, a center that integrates Islamic knowledge with general knowledge in support of excellent with the respect to the growth of modern Islamic society in the eastern part of Indonesia. May this website benefit everyone and may Allah bless our ongoing endeavors.

    Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.


    No. Region Level College Programme Decrees No. Years Decree Rank Expired
    1 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Kependidikan Islam 001 1998 C 2001-08-11
    2 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Agama Islam 001 1998 B 2003-08-11
    3 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Studi Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam 014 2000 C 2003-07-07
    4 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris 006 2000 C 2003-05-29
    5 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Jinayah Siyasah 021 2000 A 2005-08-31
    6 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Ahwal Al-Syakhshiyyah 014 2000 B 2005-07-07
    7 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Muamalat 014 2000 B 2005-07-07
    8 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Perbandingan Agama 014 2000 B 2005-07-07
    9 09 S2 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Agama Islam 025 2000 U 2005-09-13
    10 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Pendidikan Agama Islam 016 2007 A 2012-08-03
    11 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Manajemen Pendidikan Islam 026 2008 B 2013-10-24
    12 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Perbandingan Hukum 024 2008 B 2013-10-10
    13 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Perbandingan Mazhab dan Hukum 032 2008 B 2013-12-05
    14 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Ekonomi Islam 032 2008 B 2013-12-05
    15 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Pendidikan Fisika 026 2008 C 2013-10-24
    16 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Aqidah Filsafat 001 2009 B 2014-03-14
    17 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Bahasa dan Sastra Arab 016 2009 B 2014-06-26
    18 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Tafsir Hadist 001 2009 B 2014-03-14
    19 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam 015 2009 B 2014-06-19
    20 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Pendidikan Bahasa Arab 041 2009 B 2013-10-10
    21 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Manajemen Dakwah 013 2009 B 2014-06-05
    22 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam 015 2009 B 2014-06-19
    23 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Sosiologi Agama 010 2009 C 2014-05-23
    24 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Ilmu Perpustakaan 008 2009 C 2014-05-15
    25 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Kajian-Kajian Agama 010 2009 C 2014-05-23
    26 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam 010 2009 C 2014-05-23
    27 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Pemikiran Politik Islam 010 2009 C 2014-05-23
    28 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris 006 2009 C 2014-04-30
    29 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam 040 2010 B 2015-01-08
    30 09 S1 Univ. Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin, Makassar Hukum Acara Peradilan 042 2010 B 2015-01-22


    The Strategic Quality
    UIN, having an outstanding quality of education, is capable of integrating Islamic values to sciences, technology, or arts and has high competency in producing civilized graduates with the highest standard of academic competence and ethical principles.

    The Objective Quality

    1. At least 50 % of academic research integrates Islamic values with sciences, technology, or arts.
    2. At least 10 scholarly journals are published internationally
    3. 50% of alumnae in each graduation succeed in competing in job markets
    4. 80 % of students complete their studies on time
    5. The competence of lectures increases by 60 %
    6. Graduates are able to communicate globally (450 TOEFL score for English proficiency and 65 TOAFL score for Arabic proficiency)
    7. 80 % of graduates are able to make use of technological information.

    Six Development Objectives

    1. Inner Capacity Building
    2. Intellectual and academic capacity building
    3. High morality, insightful spirituality, strong faith, thoughtful knowledge, and pure professionalism
    4. Institutional Capacity Building
    5. Social Capacity Building
    6. Entrepreneurship and Managerial Capacity Building

    Fifteen areas of development

    1. Leadership
    2. University student affairs
    3. Human resources
    4. Curriculum
    5. Facilities
    6. Funding
    7. Governance
    8. Managerial systems
    9. Educational systems
    10. Academic environment
    11. Information systems
    12. Internal quality assurance
    13. Graduates
    14. Research and public services
    15. Study Programs

    Eight principles of managerial systems for quality assurance

    1. Focusing on consumer
    2. Leadership
    3. Involving all people
    4. Approaching process
    5. Reaching a decision in accordance with the system
    6. Sustainable improvement
    7. Factual approach
    8. Profitable cooperation


    Snmptn UNM

    Makassar state university can not be separated from the history of the establishment IKIP Ujung Pandang The Education Institute of Education personnel (LPTK).
    Originally IKIP Ujung Pandang as faculty teaching and science education (FKIP) from Hasanuddin University in Makassar, which is based on the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) August 1, 1961 till August 31, 1964, based on Ministerial Decree No. PTIP. 30 Year 1964 Date 1 August 1961.

    September 1964 s.d. January 1965 Yogyakarta branch status IKIP Makassar, based on Ministerial Decree No. PTIP. 154 Year 1965 On 1 September 1965. On January 5 s.d. August 3, 1999, independent status with a IKIP Makassar, based on the Decree of President of Republic of Indonesia No. 272 Year 1965 dated January 5, 1965. In this phase, since 1 April 1972, Makassar IKIP berrubah become IKIP Ujungpandang by following the change of name became Municipal Ujungpandang Makassar city. Then on August 4, 1999 to the present status of University by the name of the State University of Makassar (UNM) based on the Decree of President of Republic of Indonesia No. 93 In 1999 dated August 4, 1999.

    Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.


    No. Region Level College Programme Decrees No. Years Decree Rank Expired
    1 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Psikologi 020 2005 C 2008-10-27
    2 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Geografi 001 2005 C 2008-01-28
    3 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Koperasi 045 2004 A 2009-10-26
    4 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Manajemen 053 2004 B 2009-12-21
    5 09 D-II Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) 001 2004 B 2009-01-09
    6 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Teknik Elektro 046 2004 B 2009-11-08
    7 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Seni Drama, Tari dan Musik 011 2006 C 2009-08-10
    8 09 D-III Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Tata Busana 013 2006 C 2009-10-05
    9 09 D-III Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Teknik Sipil 013 2006 C 2009-10-05
    10 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Administrasi Pendidikan 016 2005 A 2010-09-30
    11 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Biologi 001 2005 A 2010-01-28
    12 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran 016 2005 B 2010-09-30
    13 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Matematika 008 2005 B 2010-06-23
    14 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Luar Biasa 020 2005 B 2010-10-27
    15 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Matematika 012 2005 B 2010-07-21
    16 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Bimbingan dan Konseling (BK) 021 2005 B 2010-11-17
    17 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Luar Sekolah 021 2005 B 2010-11-17
    18 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Kimia 001 2005 B 2010-01-28
    19 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Fisika 017 2005 B 2010-10-13
    20 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Kimia 001 2005 B 2010-01-28
    21 09 D-II Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Guru Taman Kanak-kanak (PGTK) 002 2005 B 2010-12-08
    22 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Akuntansi 007 2006 B 2011-06-29
    23 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Sastra Indonesia 011 2006 B 2011-08-10
    24 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Biologi 019 2006 B 2011-12-08
    25 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah 007 2006 B 2011-06-29
    26 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris 012 2006 B 2011-08-24
    27 09 D-II Univ. Negeri Makassar - UPP Tidung Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) 004 2006 B 2011-06-15
    28 09 D-III Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Teknik Elektronika 016 2006 B 2011-12-08
    29 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Sastra Inggris 011 2006 B 2011-08-10
    30 09 D-III Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 004 2006 B 2011-06-15
    31 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Teknik Otomotif 003 2006 B 2011-03-09
    32 09 D-III Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Teknik Mesin 014 2006 B 2011-10-19
    33 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Seni Rupa 009 2006 B 2011-07-27
    34 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman 010 2006 B 2011-08-03
    35 09 D-III Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Otomotif 014 2006 B 2011-10-19
    36 09 D-III Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Tata Boga 014 2006 B 2011-10-19
    37 09 D-II Univ. Negeri Makassar - UPP Watampone Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) 003 2006 B 2011-06-01
    38 09 D-II Univ. Negeri Makassar - UPP Pare-pare Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) 002 2006 B 2011-05-11
    39 09 D-III Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Teknik Elektro 016 2006 B 2011-12-08
    40 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika 018 2007 B 2012-08-18
    41 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan dan Rekreasi 031 2007 B 2012-12-29
    42 09 S2 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Bahasa 013 2007 B 2012-08-03
    43 09 S2 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Jasamani dan Olah Raga 019 2007 B 2012-09-29
    44 09 S2 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup 016 2007 B 2012-08-25
    45 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Sejarah 022 2008 B 2013-09-12
    46 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) 027 2008 B 2013-10-30
    47 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olah Raga 032 2008 B 2013-01-12
    48 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Geografi 036 2009 A 2014-01-16
    49 09 S2 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS) 019 2009 A 2014-01-10
    50 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga 010 2009 B 2014-05-23
    51 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Kurikulum dan Teknologi Pendidikan 019 2009 B 2014-07-17
    52 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan 036 2009 B 2014-11-20
    53 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Sosiologi 018 2009 B 2014-07-10
    54 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Teknik Mesin 035 2009 C 2014-01-10
    55 09 S1 Univ. Negeri Makassar, Makassar Pendidikan Fisika 018 2009 C 2014-07-10

    Education System
    Up Education System

    In line with the new paradigm of higher education, providing education at the State University of Makassar embrace student-oriented approach. In its management, quality becomes the main reference is supported by the autonomy, accountability, accreditation, and evaluation. With the support of faculty and administrative staff of the State University of Makassar tried to maintain the implementation dibinanya education. Despite the availability of other support facilities, as well as a curriculum that is always updated to comply with the demands of the development to the influence of technology and art.

    Types and Purposes of Education

    Type of education held by the State University of Makassar is the education of Academic, Professional Education and Professional Education.
    Academic education consists of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs aimed at preparing students to become members of the public who have academic ability in implementing, developing, and / or enrich the repertoire of science, technology and / or the arts, as well as efforts to disseminate and use teknkologi and the arts to improving people's lives and enrich the national culture.

    Consisting of Professional Education Diploma Program III, IV and diploma programs, aims to prepare students to be members of the public who have the ability to apply professional in developing and disseminating technological and / or use of art as well as efforts to improve people's lives and enrich the national culture.

    Professional education is additional education after undergraduate education to obtain the expertise and professional designation in a particular field.

    Education System

    Providing education at the State University of Makassar embrace Semester Credit System (SKS) is preparing an education management system using the semester credit units to declare a study load of students, faculty workload, learning experience, and program administration expenses. This system allows students to plan their education according to interests and abilities. For students required to fill out this planning study plan (KRS) established by the leaders of the Faculty.

    Semester is a unit of work time activity consisting of 16 to 19 weeks of classes or other scheduled activities, following iringannya activities, including 2 to 3 weeks of assessment activities.
    Semester credit unit is a measure respect for the learning experience acquired during a semester through scheduled activities per week was 1 hour 2 hours of lectures or lab work, or 4 hours of fieldwork, each accompanied by about 1 - 2 hours of structured activities and approximately 1 - 2 hours of independent activities.


    Snmptn UNMUL

    Unmul Being a university of international standard that could play a role in nation building through education, research, and service to the community that relies on humid tropical forest environments (tropical rain forest).


    1. Making Unmul as a quality institution of higher education in order to educating and empowering the life of the nation, and maintain national integrity.

    2. Increased academic competence by encouraging workers to continue their studies to pursue S2 and / or S3 and achieve competence Professors.

    3. Produce graduates who are immoral, rpofesional, resilient, spirited leader, superior based on national identity and has a high competitiveness in the global market.

    4. Conducting research and quality of service to the community in accordance with local needs, national, and global.

    5. Organizing and developing the university management is responsible, efficient, and accountable.

    6. Provide campus infrastructure in accordance with technological progress in the effort to create an atmosphere and a conducive campus ministry.

    7. Maintaining and developing networks (networking) simetrikal cooperation with various institutions, the competent institutions at the district / city, regional, national, and international.

    8. Develop and disseminate science and technology, as well as create standardization efforts to improve the standard of competence in public life.

    9. As an institution that is at the forefront of developments in science and technology.

    10. Support the development of the dignity of the Indonesian people through the creation of works in the fields of science, technology advances that benefit the nation.

    11. Role in improving the world civilization, with the principles of tolerance and peace-loving, supporting the enhancement of human dignity by maintaining the nation's culture.

    Please click here to access registration procedure Snmptn 2011 for this university.


    1. Achievement of higher education capacity and capacity of students, through increased public access to higher education.

    2. Increased academic competence by encouraging workers to continue their studies to pursue S2 and / or S3 and achieve competence Professors.

    3. Development of new courses based on the relevance of educational outcomes to the needs of development.

    4. Continuing education equivalency D2, D3, and S1 through PGSD program.

    5. Melaksanaka Depdikas about government programs and certification of Teachers and Lecturers Staff Mulawarman.

    6. Improving teaching and training system through a character (Instructional Skills Education) and AA (Aplied Approach) for professors junior / young.

    7. The increasing role of communities in the implementation of higher education through extension programs, Diploma, S-1, the Master program, and a Doctorate of interest with the public cost.

    8. The increasing relevance and public access to higher education through the development of distance education programs (distance learning) through ICT (Information Communication Technology) at a cost the community.

    9. Increasing the number and type of extra-curricular programs in improving and strengthening students' reasoning. Achievement of the proportion ratio exact number of students in educational programs and social / educational at the ratio 55% to 45%.

    10. Increasing the quality and competence, professionalism, so that graduates can compete in this era of globalization.

    11. Increasing the number and types of sources of science and technology in the form: text books, scientific journals (national and international), and an accredited scientific journal.

    12. Increasing the conservative toward the predicate library Digital Library.

    13. Expanding the number and quality of scientific publications and tersosialisasikanya for the interests, needs and development community.

    As a consequence in achieving strategic goals Mulawarman development until the year 2010 undertaken various efforts to develop the following:

    1. Addition of the academic staff of 100 people.

    2. Additions to the building / lecture hall of 20,000 m2.

    3. Laboratory which includes the addition of Basic Sciences and Analytical Laboratory of powered accommodate 350 students, lecturers and the provision of space a representative with sufficient quantity.

    4. Additions to the number of personnel and laboratory technicians.

    5. Improving academic competence as a research staff to compete, compete in obtaining research funding from various sources-financing schemes.

    6. Continuing settlement and development of University Campus Mulawarman through funding support Soft Loan Assistance for Foreign Affairs and Grant (Grant) and Budgets.

    7. Enhance the role of electronic network communication median on the Planning Section and Information Systems for Development of Tri-Dharma universities.

    8. Increasing competence through education perjenjangan administrative staff and academic education.

    9. Acceleration-accelerated education for academic staff to the level of S2/S3, the target premises average 60 people per year.

    10. Additions and development at the Laboratory for the establishment of faculties Mulawarman as a Research University and a center of science and technology development.

    11. Additional facilities to support educational programs in order to improve the quality of Teaching and Learning.



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