Download Simulasi Soal UN 2011
>> Monday, August 23, 2010

Now we provide a simulation of Problem UN SMA / MA 2011, accompanied by the complete discussion made by teachers who are experts in their field. Some subjects simulated UN SMA / MA Year 2011 that you can download:
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Download Simulasi Soal UN SMA / MA 2011
Download Simulation for Natural Science Program (IPA):
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, Matematika, for Fisika, Biologi,and Kimia Download here
Download Simulation for Social Science Program (IPS):
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, Matematika, for Ekonomi, Geografi, and Sosiologi Download here
Download Simulation for Religious Program (Keagamaan)
Download Simulation for Language Program
Nobel UN High Accept Scholarships
Happiness Saelly Melinda, an alumnus of SMP 6 Banjarmasin increases. Aside from the National Examination score (UN) in 2010 first best junior provincial level, he was also rewarded a scholarship tens of millions of rupiah.
Yesterday, along with several students winning Saelly UN highest value for the district level or provincial awards and scholarships to take the charter to the Bureau of Public Welfare (Welfare), South Kalimantan Province. Saelly receive a scholarship valued at USD 21 million.
"It's great. This spurred my passion for improving achievement in high school now," said the student who is now sitting in class one SMAN 7 Banjarmasin, the Friday (20 / 8).
Another student, Fitria Fasha who won best national examination of the two levels of MTs also said the same thing. He is grateful for the scholarships received could ease the cost of education.
"Thank God, thank God could be like this," said alumni MTsN South Banjarmasin this second.
Staff Welfare Bureau of Educational and Cultural Section, Hernadi, said the scholarship is a tribute from the local government for those who managed to reach the highest value of the UN. Can be expected also for the encouragement of other students.
Funds taken from provincial budgets, with a total budget of USD 8 billion.
Scholarships are awarded to the winner of the highest UN values ranging from one to three levels of SD / MI, SMP / MTS, and SMA / SMK / MA program for students in the district, city or provincial level.
For Elementary students are given direct cash amounting to Rp 15 million per person. For SMP / MT USD 21 million, and for SMA / MA / SMK given money amounting to Rp 50 million per person.
However, for the level of SMA / MA / SMK, money amounting to Rp 50 million, it can not be disbursed directly. The money, will be disbursed per semester through Simpeda savings. "For this first stage they were given USD 2.5 million," he said.
According to him, scholarships for senior high school / MA / SMK planned to continue her studies in strata 1 (S1). For those who continue to diploma education level III, the remaining money can be taken with the approval or recommendation of the Bureau of Public Welfare.