Download Kisi-kisi UN 2012
>> Wednesday, December 21, 2011

As a form of commitment of the Government in this case the Ministry of Education and Culture, accelerate the timing of the lattice national exam (UN) in 2012. Grating about the UN had promised early November you can download from the site of this National Exam. Head of Research and Development Kemdikbud Notodiputro Khairil Anwar has said that it was done to help schools and students are better prepared for the UN in 2012.
Download Kisi-kisi UN 2012
UN SD / MI, download here
Head of Research and Development Kemdikbud Notodiputro Khairil Anwar said that the subject is a step to improve the acceptability, and also an answer to the number of input related to the implementation of the UN. Of the many entries, which then become the focus by Balitbang Kemdikbud is acceptability, quality, and effectiveness of UN administration.
Increased acceptability of UN assessed to minimize the "fear" when students and teachers will face the UN. The way taken is to conduct a more intensive dialogue, and provides grating UN immediately.
Giving the UN grille also aims to facilitate the center provides guidance to local education agencies and teachers in schools in order that the exam questions at school and adapted to refer lattice UN granted.
The fear was assessed will trigger rejection. To suppress it, Kemdikbud convey the lattice as soon as possible. If used together, so now the grille 2012 will we give the UN in 2011, is to create alignment problems and make the students familiar with the matter which will be given.
Also, another thing that will be assured is to give understanding to the whole community that the UN is not the only determinant of graduation. Although the proportion of making value judgments dominate the graduation examination, ie 60 percent of the UN and 40 percent of the school.
Kemdikbud 2012 UN hopes can be more relaxed and accepted. Politically, the proportion of 60:40 was received, and will be evaluated whether it is used or will be changed after two years of use, namely in 2013.
UN values are low also in the assessment process. Ends Kemdikbud hope there is a policy based on the assessment of why the value is low, whether the matter is too difficult or there are other causes, such an explanation from the Head of Research and Development Ministry of Education and Culture.