Keys Answer of Soal Snmptn 2011 IPS
>> Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hundreds of participants are to take the test in four cities, namely Manokwari (336 participants), Sorong (107 participants), Kaimana (40 participants) and Fakfak (43 participants).
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Quiet the interest the students take the test as many high school graduates in West Papua who choose to continue their studies outside New Guinea.
Acting Rector of the University of Papua (Unipa) Manokwari, Marlyn Lekitoo also recognize the interest the students take exams lonely.
Even according to Marlyn, the number of participants fell far compared to last year that number reached 800 people.
"There is a tendency to follow SNMPTN students enrolling this year fell compared to last year. In addition to many who select courses to other regions, there are many students who choose levels than undergraduate diploma," said Marlyn in Manokwari, Tuesday
(31 / 5).
According to Marlyn, Unipa party actually has opened admissions through three channels. Namely SNMPTN, Fellow or Student Selection Mainstay Login Unipa and local tests. But the point is also less favorable reception.
If last year managed to capture Neighbor track more than 700 participants, this year only about 400 people.
As for the path invitation, students who enroll only 36 people. "We also could not confirm whether they will all re-register or not," said Marlyn.
This year, according to Marlyn, party quotas Unipa prepare about 1,000 student seats. Marlyn hope these quotas will be met after the implementation of local selection which will be implemented in the near future.
In Unipa itself, really has opened 19 courses for undergraduate level diplomas and 11 majors. Marlyn hope majors who opened it will attract the interest of graduates to college in Unipa.
"Of all the courses, only some of the favorite. Like the Economic and Literature for undergraduate and Computers for the diploma," said Marlyn.
Implementation SNMPTN in West Papua this year held in four districts namely Manokwari, Sorong, Fakfak and Kaimana. To Manokwari, the implementation done in the Campus Unipa exam. While in other cities, held in a number of schools.
Meanwhile Monitoring SNMPTN East region, Rifdan, revealed a number of weaknesses in the implementation unjian this year. One is the weakness in the random system in place when determining the number of participants.
One result of the random system is the number of seats that are not filled. "We look like is happening now. Of the 80 seats that the committee set up in one room, only filled about 25 to 30 seats," said Rifdan.
However, according Rifdan, the implementation of the first day of testing this exam Mathematics, Indonesian and English run smoothly.