Download and View Pos UN 2011/2012
>> Friday, January 6, 2012
Minister Nuh said the current debate about the UN has been completed. He said, there are four key implementation of the UN is good or credible:
First, the security and confidentiality is guaranteed. Because if the file leaked, then the UN's credibility has been reduced, even lost.
Secondly, in terms of accuracy of the distribution, should be timely, appropriate quantity, and appropriate materials will be tested.
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Third, on the day of implementation must be guaranteed smoothness. Do not let the matter is there is all but handed out the wrong exam. 'If an error occurs, then it should put up a system capable of anticipating the error, "he said.
Fourth, the evaluation system must be ensured so that grades can guarantee that the values it reflects the ability of the child. "The report card should not mencekungkan or mencembungkan the actual value of the child," said Minister of Noah.
Minister Noah convey, if all four were key implementation can be met, then there are two things that can be achieved. First, the mapping can be done about the various competencies of students and their spread. Second, the information quality of the child (pass or not pass).
Noah Minister also asserted, that the national exam is not a determinant of graduation. Graduate education unit is determined. However, based on the educational unit to determine graduation, completion of learning, good morals, and national exams.
National exams for high school level / MA will take place on April 16 to 19, 2012, and follow-up examination will be held on April 23 to 26. For SMP / MTs and SMPLB, the UN will be held on April 23 to 26, 2012, and UN follow-up will take place on 30 to 4 May 2012.
As for the levels of SD / MI / SDLB examination will be held on 7-9 May 2012, and follow-up examination will be held on 14-16 May 2012. The results of the UN SMA / MA and SMK will be announced on May 24, 2012. SMP / MTs, SMPLB and SMALB on June 2, 2012. As for graduation announcements for primary examination authority of each province.
National Examination (UN) SMA / MA and SMK for the academic year 2011/2012 is set April 16 to 19. Meanwhile, the test for SMP / MTs was held April 23 to 26 and for SD on May 7 to 9
This was said by members of the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP) and the Ministry of Culture, Prof. Dr. Eddy Wibowo H mungin MPd Constantine while providing socialization material in the National Examination (UN) 2011/2012 academic year at the Hotel Wahid Salatiga Central Java, on Friday (30/12) . Activities attended by the Head of Education and Religious Affairs Ministry Office of the Chief District / City-Central Java.
Mungin said, no less than 1.4 million students in Central Java will follow the UN, both from elementary, middle and high school. Then according to the schedule, the school announced the graduation of students based on the Master Board meetings on May 26 animal lays equal SMA, June 2 (SMP), and June 14 (SD).
"Broadly speaking, the UN is still the same material with the academic year 2010/2011. Even so, we need menyosialisasi early so that implementation of the UN will be more smoothly, "he said.
Can Repeats
Perhaps more telling, learners who do not pass the examination and then, still given the opportunity at the UN next year. While students who do not pass the examination at school Madarasah but the program package, then it is not allowed to follow the UN next year.
"Learners who do not pass the examination before, in 2012, the UN must follow all subjects tested. Calculated to repair, so the best value that will be used later, "he explained.
According to the man who lives in Sampangan Gajahmungkur Semarang, the UN held with the aim of assessing the achievement of national competency in certain subjects in the group of subjects in science and technology.
Examination results will be used as one of the considerations for mapping quality of the program or the education unit, the determination of graduation of students, the basis of selection for the following levels of education, and providing assistance to the education unit in an effort to improve the quality of education.
The pass criteria in the education unit, according to mungin, is completing the entire program of learning, obtaining a minimum value either on the final assessment of all subjects, and pass the examination.