>> Saturday, August 7, 2010

The current SAT Reasoning Test, introduced in 2005, takes three hours and forty-five minutes, and costs $45 ($71 International), excluding late fees. Possible scores range from 600 to 2400, combining test results from three 800-point sections (math, critical reading, and writing).
Getting Started in SAT Prep
Most high school students are told they need to take the SAT and many are told that they need to "get ready" for it, but nobody seems to tell the vast majority of students where they need to start and what they need to do. Everything you need to know is available online. The problem is there is no systematic procedure or checklist to help you navigate the start-up process - until now! Student Information - Go to the College Board website and click SAT. Become VERY familiar with the information on ALL the links that pertain to you. Parent Information - There is a section for parents on the website. Have your parents review the information on this site.
Online Practice - Take the Online Practice Questions. Don't short-cut yourself on this. Make sure you read each link associated with these pages so you thoroughly understand how the SAT will ask questions. Read each question, select your answer, and review the answer explanations to see how you did. Keep track of which ones you got correct and which ones you didn't.
Download SAT / Tes Potensi Akademik for (CPNS) Test
- Excercises of Tes Potensi Akademik for Public Servants (CPNS) Test (10 sample courses with good solution)
Practice Test - Download the SAT Practice Test and the scoring sheet, and take the test. We recommend you print the test out and take it a pencil, and grade your test.
The College Board website is at
1. Get a user account and have your parents get one.
2. SAT Question of the Day - this keeps your brain in the SAT Mode - thinking about it every day.
3. Note the testing dates and the deadlines for registering
4. Go through the Skill Insights and Answers Imagined section online
5. Get the newsletters for both you and your parents
The College Board site also has My College Quick Start, College Search resources, and help with Financial Aid.