>> Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The curriculum is subject device provided by an education provider institution which contains lesson plans that will be given to participants of the lessons in one period levels of education. Preparation of subjects device is adapted to the circumstances and capabilities of each level of education in educational administration.

The length of time in a curriculum is usually adjusted with the intent and purpose of the education system is implemented. This curriculum is intended to be directed towards education which is intended direction and purpose in the overall learning activity.


Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) is an educational curriculum developed by the operational and implemented in each educational unit in Indonesia. SBC legally mandated by Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System and the Indonesian Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards. Preparation of the SBC by the school started the school year 2007/2008 with reference to the Content Standard (SI) and Graduates Competency Standards (SKL) for primary and secondary education as published by the Ministry of National Education Regulation respective No. 22 of 2006 and No. 23 Year 2006 and SBC Development Guide issued by BSNP.

In principle, SBC is an integral part of the SI, but its development submitted to the school to fit the needs of the school itself. SBC consists of the educational unit level educational objectives, curriculum structure and unit level of education, educational calendar, and syllabus. SBC implementation refers to Permendiknas Number 24 Year 2006 on Implementation of SI and SKL.

Content standards is the scope of materials and level of competency as outlined in the competency requirements for graduate, competence competency study materials subjects, and learning syllabus that must be filled with students in a particular grade and type of education. Content standards are guidelines for curriculum development unit level education that includes:

1. basic framework and structure of the curriculum,
2. study load,
3. unit level education curriculum that was developed at the unit level of education, and
4. education calendar.

SKL is used as a guide in determining the assessment of students' graduation from the educational unit. SKL including competency for all subjects or groups of subjects. Competency is the ability of graduate qualifications which include attitudes, knowledge, and skills according to nationally agreed standards.

Application of SBC, as defined in the regulations of the Ministry of National Education no. 24 Year 2006 on Implementation of SI and SKL, determined by the school principal after considering the recommendations of the school committee. In other words, the application of SBC is fully furnished to the school, in the sense that no intervention from the Department of Education or the Ministry of National Education. Preparation of entangled SBC employees also involves teachers and school committees, and if necessary, experts from local universities. With the involvement of school committees in the preparation of the SBC, the SBC will be drawn up in accordance with the aspirations of the people, situations and environmental conditions and community needs.

SBC Basic Concepts

In Nasonal Education Standards (SNP Article 1, paragraph 15) stated that Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) is the operational curriculum developed and implemented by each educational unit. The preparation of the educational unit of SBC done by taking into account and based on competency standards and the basic competencies developed by the Education Standards Agency (BSNP).

SBC prepared and developed based on Law No. undagn. 20 of 2003 on National Education System of article 36 paragraph 1), and 2) as follows:

1. Curriculum development carried out in accordance with national standards of education to achieve national education goals.
2. The curriculum at all levels and types of education developed by the principle of diversification in accordance with the educational unit, the potential of the region, and learners.

Several things need to be understood in relation to the unit level education curricula (SBC) is as follows:

1. SBC developed in accordance with the conditions of the educational unit, the potential and regional characteristics, and social culture of local communities and learners.
2. Schools and school committees to develop educational curricula and silabusnya unit level based on the basic framework of the curriculum and competency standards, under the supervision of education service districts, and departments in charge of religion in education.
3. Unit level education curriculum for each course of study at the college developed and specified by each college based on National Education Standards.

SBC is a curriculum development strategies to create schools that are effective, productive, and achieve. SBC represents a new paradigm of curriculum development, a wide autonomy for each unit of education, community education and involvement in order to streamline the process of teaching and learning in schools. Autonomy given to each unit has particularly school education and greater freedom in megelola resources, financial resources, learning resources and allocate them according to priority needs, as well as more responsive to local needs.

SBC is an idea about developing a curriculum that is put in the position closest to the learning process, namely the school and the education unit. Empowerment of schools and educational satauan by giving greater autonomy, in addition to showing the attitude of government responsiveness to the guidance community is also a means of improving quality, efisisen, and education. SBC is one form of educational reform that gives autonomy to the schools and education to develop curriculum units based on their potential, guidance, and individual needs. Autonomy in curriculum development and learning is a potential for schools to improve teacher performance and school staff, offering direct participation of relevant groups, and increase public awareness of education, especially curriculum. In the SBC system, the school has "full authority and responsibility" in setting the curriculum and learning in accordance with the vision, mission and purpose, schools are required to develop strategies, set priorities, various potential seklah megendalikan empowerment and the environment, as well as to society and mempertanggunngjawabkannya government.

In SBC, kurikulm development done by the teacher, principals, and School Committee and Board of Education. This body merupkan institutions established based on consensus from local officials, the education committee on the board of regional representatives of the people (Parliament), local education officials, school principals, education personnel, representatives of parents of students, teachers and community leaders. These institutions set the school's policy under the provisions of the applicable pendidikna. Furthermore, the school committee needs to set a vision, mission and objectives of schools with different implications for programs of operational activities to achieve school goals.


Learning plan or also known by abbreviated RPP Learning Implementation Plan was the design of learning subjects that will be applied per unit of teachers in classroom learning. Under the RPP is a teacher (whether that construct RPP itself or not) is expected to implement a programmed learning. Therefore, the decree must have the applicable power (aplicable) high. Without careful planning, it is impossible to target the maximal learning. On the other hand, through the RPP can also be known levels of teachers' ability in carrying out his profession.

As the lesson plans in general, competency-based lesson plan designed by a contextual approach, teachers who will implement the learning in the class that contains ¬ scenarios about what will be done in relation to the topics students will be learning. Technically, the minimum lesson plan includes the following components.

1. Standards of competence, basic competence, and indicators of achievement of learning outcomes.
2. Learning objectives.
3. Learning materials.
4. Approaches and learning methods.
5. Step-by-step instructional activities.
6th. Tools and learning resources.
7. Evaluation of learning.

In contrast to the lesson plan developed by the objectivist understands that emphasizes detail and clarity of purpose, contextual learning plan developed by the understand-constructivist-emphasis on the stages of activity (which reflects the learning process), students and the media or the use of learning resources. Thus, the formulation of specific goals is not a priority in preparing plans for contextual learning that will be achieved more on the progress of the learning process.

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