Fun Home School Science Curriculum

>> Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Are your kids attending home school? Do you want to create your own home school science course? It's so easy! Yes, you can make your own science program for your kids. Here are the steps to create your own program.

1. Find your kids' Interest
The home school science program you create must be based on your children interest. So, you'll easily discover it in general outline. After you find their interest, go to internet and browse for the curriculum guide. The website usually provides year per year guideline, thus you can use the updated syllabus.

2. Grouping the Topic
Once you get the program you search, copy and paste on the word document. Then, organize the source like you create an outline for a paper. For instance, the 1st grade home school science, you'll teach the first three topics, such as animals, living and nonliving things, and grouping and classification.

3. Decide The Lessons
After you organize the syllabus, then describe what you want to teach about the topic. For example, the topic is living things and the habitats. Divide the topic into forest habitat, underground habitat and desert habitat.

On each topic, you can explain the details of what you'll teach. As like, when studying forest habitat, your children will learn about detail forest, animals, animal homes, and food sources.

Write specific details about the topics. Describe what you want to teach to your children. Don't forget to give how much time you'll want to spend on each section.
Very simple and uncomplicated, right? Just find what your children are interested in, and then search the syllabus on internet. Your home school science lesson plan will be ready to be used. It will make your children more fun to study science. Try to create fun learning process. The more fun the learning process, the easier for your kids to master the lesson.

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